November is Youth Homelessness Prevention and Awareness Month

November E-Newsletter – November is Youth Homelessness Prevention and Awareness Month

November is Youth Homelessness Prevention and Awareness Month at Teen Health Connection. According to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Housing & Homelessness data, over 3,000 Charlotte-Mecklenburg students experienced homelessness during the 2020-2021 school year. Youth experiencing homelessness are likely to have a higher number Adverse Childhood Experiences (also known as ACEs) and are likely to be further traumatized by the lack of stable, secure housing. Learn more below from Teen Health Connection’s behavioral health triage clinician, Chanda Scott, LCMHC, about the link between homelessness and ACEs and available resources in our community.


Chanda Scott, LCMHC, Teen Health Connection Behavioral Health Triage Clinician