The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a group of adolescent leaders who work to better the Charlotte community by leading awareness and prevention initiatives about substance use, behavioral health, and other critical adolescent health issues for their peers. TAB members participate in unique leadership and prevention workshops, engage in volunteer activities and community service events, and have meaningful opportunities to serve as youth leaders. Through our unique youth-led adult guided approach, teens are encouraged to authentically and creatively address issues specific to adolescence with support from our multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals. From developing radio PSAs and billboards, to presenting at national conferences, TAB members are championing change in innovative and impactful ways across our community and beyond.
The Teen Advisory Board’s Mission is to develop and empower adolescent leaders committed to the prevention of underage drinking and prescription drug misuse in Charlotte, North Carolina.
100% of TAB members report being confident in their ability to change their community for the better.
100% of TAB members pledge to be alcohol, tobacco, and drug free.
100% of members agree that TAB gives them opportunities to be a youth leader in their community.
Join the Teen Advisory Board
All 9th – 12th grade students in the Charlotte area are invited to apply to be on the Teen Advisory Board. If you are interested in joining, please complete the online application below.
Open applications are accepted from May-August each year. Interested teens are encouraged to complete the application at any time during the year to receive more information.
The Teen Advisory Board meets every Tuesday evening at Teen Health Connection.
If you have any questions, please contact Madison Davis at Madison.Davis2@TeenHealthConnection.org
Current Month
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Teen Health Connection Teen Advisory Board Youth Coalition Application
Thank for taking the time to complete this application.
This is application contains (3) sections: 1. Personal Information | 2. Teen Advisory Board Commitment Terms | 3. Media and Photography Release | 4. Pledge